
Will store all data on the left side of the arrow into the variable on the right side of the arrow. If a variable can only hold a certain type of data, this function will fail if the wrong data is being placed into the wrong variable (attempting to place a list in Str1 on the TI-84, or a list in y1(x) for example)


  • STO (→)


:Input "NUMBER:",X
:Disp Z

This program will first store 5 in the variable Y. Then it will ask the user for a number and place it in X. It will then add the variables X and Y and store the result in a new variable Z. It will display Z.

Optimized version:

Input "NUMBER:",X
Disp Ans

This program stores 5 into internal variable Ans. Then it will ask the user for a number and store it to X. It will then add Ans to X and store it back to Ans. It then displays Ans

Difference to =[]

= means equals

means is

  • 1=2 returns a 0 for false (1 equals 2)
  • if 2 is saved to variable A
  • 1=A returns a 0 for false (1 equals A)
  • 2=A returns a 1 for true (2 equals A)
  • 1→A saves 1 to variable A (1 is A)
  • 2→A saves 2 to variable A (2 is A)